Guide for Authors

                                                                An appeal from the founder of EJMCR

Welcome to the European Journal of Medical Case Reports. We have proudly served the healthcare community for over seven years, offering our services free of charge. However, due to rising publishing costs, we have recently introduced a nominal article processing charge. With a surge in submissions, we are actively seeking skilled reviewers in various specialties. Your participation as a reviewer is crucial in advancing medical science and improving patient safety. Your expertise will have a profound impact on healthcare and humanity. Interested professionals are invited to express their willingness to review cases by contacting us. Together, we can continue to make a significant difference.

EJMCR also accepts videos related to case reports, medical/therapeutic/surgical techniques, and Ultrasound Scans.

Submission Guidelines

(European Journal of Medical Case Reports is a not-for-profit journal. We follow ethical publishing practices as recommended by COPE) 

All manuscripts must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
  • Diagnostic or treatment challenge referring to an important clinical lesson
  • Findings that show new the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect
  • Learning from misdiagnosis or errors
  • Unusual presentation of more common disease/injury
  • Rare disease or new disease
  • Novel diagnostic procedure/technique
  • Innovative treatment (new drug/intervention; established drug/procedure in new situation)
  • Unusual association of diseases and their symptoms
  • Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions
All manuscripts to be considered for publication in European Journal of Medical Case Reports (EJMCR) should be submitted through online submission system. The EJMCR Editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions.

Contacting the Editorial office

The EJMCR Editorial Office can be contacted at the following email address:

Types of Articles Accepted

Case Reports

Case Series

Review articles related to cases

Original/Research Articles related to cases


Letter to editor


Preparing the manuscript

General format

Manuscripts should be prepared by using word processor software. It should be double-spaced. Insert continuous line numbers and page numbers throughout the text to facilitate reviewing process (For MSWORD, go to LAYOUT tab and select Line Numbers and apply to the whole document). Please number each page accordingly. Manuscripts should be organized as follows: Title page, Abstract and Keywords, Text with the following sections: Background, Case Presentation, Discussion, Figure legends, References.

Authors should upload separate files for the title page and the manuscript (i.e. title page, abstract, text, figure legends and references). This applies to the original version of the manuscript and any revised versions. Due to figure file size constraints, you should submit separate files for figures also. The location of Figures should be indicated in the text. EJMCR CARE checklist must be submitted along with your submission of case reports (see the DOWNLOAD section at the bottom of this page).

It is recommended that authors use spell-check function (American English) in all files before submission.

Title page

The title should be short, specific and informative. The full name, each author should be followed by his or her (affiliation) department, institution, city with postcode, and country. The fax, telephone number and Email address of the corresponding author should also be provided.

Please write the contribution of each author in writing the manuscript and in managing and treating the patient.



A structured abstract is required (Background, Case presentation, Conclusion) which must not preferably exceed 250 words. Following the abstract, 5-8 keywords should be given for subject indexing. For research article abstracts can be structured under the following subheadings: Background, Amis and Objectives, Settings, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Main text

The main text of the paper can be up to 2000 words for case reports, 3000 words for case series or research articles, 4500 words for reviews, (excluding title page, references, tables and figure legends) and should include the following sections/subheadings:

ABSTRACT: (Background, Case presentation, Conclusion)

  • Background
  • Case presentation (or Methods for research and review articles)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgement: (If any)
  • List of abbreviation: (If any)
  • Conflict of interest
  • Funding
  • Consent for publication (Applicable to case reports only)
  • Consent for participation (Applicable to research articles)
  • Ethical Approval
  • References
  • Figure legends
  • Summary of the case (Table)

Acknowledgements and details of non-financial support must be included at the end of the text before references. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies.

Declaration of Conflicting interests

Declarations regarding conflicts of interest should be given under this section.

Example: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.


Non-standard abbreviations should be defined at the first occurrence and introduced only where multiple use is made. Authors should not use abbreviations in headings. All abbreviations used should be listed at the end of the manuscript.

Informed Consent

Please specify if a written informed consent to publish/present this case was obtained from the patient or parents/guaridans of the patient in case of a child/minor.

Ethical Approval

Please mention if the approval is required from your institute or not, if yes, was it obtained. 

Example: Ethical approval is not required at our institution to publish an anonymous case report.


Authors are required to name their funding sources, or state if there are none, during the submission process. Add this information at the end of your manuscript

CARE Checklist

All authors of case reports are required to fill in the CARE checklist and attach it with their case reports. It is available in the Download Section at the bottom of this page. Please note that you are not required to copy the information in the CARE-checklist. You need to write only the line number and the page number where the particular information exists in your case report.

 References and in-text citations

Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all in-text citations & references. The recommended number of references for a case report is 10 but up to 15 references are acceptable. 

 In general, EJMCR follows NLM guidelines for references (no superscript). In-text citations should be numbered in order of appearance in the text [in square brackets] before any punctuation mark, for example: reported by Saito and colleagues [10]. and must be listed in numerical order in the reference list. Write full journal titles where possible. Journal titles and author initials should be properly abbreviated and punctuated if required. If an automatic referencing system has been used in the preparation of the paper, the references may be left embedded in the final text file submitted. For references with 7 or more authors, the first 6 authors should be listed, followed by et al.


Blinder JJ, Goldstein SL, Lee V-V, Baycroft A, Fraser CD, Nelson D, et al. Congenital heart surgery in infants: effects of acute kidney injury on outcomes. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2012;143:368-74. 
Gadepalli SK, Selewski DT, Drongowski RA, Mychaliska GB. Acute kidney injury in congenital diaphragmatic hernia requiring extracorporeal life support: an insidious problem. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2011;46(4):630-5. 
Kaur S, Jain S, Saha A, Chawla D, Parmar V, Basu S, et al. Evaluation of glomerular and tubular renal function in neonates with birth asphyxia. Annals of tropical pediatrics. 2011;31(2):129-34.

Issue number can be skipped if a journal uses constant pagination throughout a volume. 

DOI should always be used when available.

Figures and Illustrations

Radiological and histopathological images should be reviewed by a radiologist and histopathologist for clarity and correctness.

Please be aware that the requirements for online submission and for reproduction in the journal are different: (i) for online submission and peer review, please upload your figures either embedded in the word processing file or separately as high-resolution images (.jpg, .tif, .gif or. eps); (ii) for reproduction in the journal, you will be required after acceptance to supply high-resolution .jpg files. Minimum resolutions are 300 dpi for color or tone images, and 600 dpi for line drawings. We advise that you create your high-resolution images first as these can be easily converted into low-resolution images for online submission. Figures will not be re-lettered by the publisher. 

The journal reserves the right to reduce the size of illustrative material. Any photomicrographs, electron micrographs or radiographs must be of high quality. Wherever possible, photographs should fit within the print area or within a column width. Photomicrographs should provide details of staining technique and a scale bar. Patients shown in photographs should have their identity concealed and should have given their written consent for publication.

When creating figures, please make sure any embedded text is large enough to read. Many figures contain minuscule characters such as numbers on a chart or graph. If these characters are not easily readable, they will most likely be illegible in the final version.

Language Editing

If English is not your first language, you may wish to use an English language editing service before submission. This may help ensure that the academic content of your paper is fully understood by the journal editors and reviewers. Several specialist language editing companies offer this service and authors are liable for all costs associated. 

Article Processing Charges

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, contingent on it meeting our editorial standards and agreeing to publish under the CC BY license, an Article Processing Charge (APC) (£200.00 for case reports) will be applicable. This fee is charged after the initial manuscript screening and is necessary to cover the costs of publication. The APC ensures that your work is processed efficiently and made accessible to a global audience under open access terms.

We don't offer full waiver but 25% discount is available for students and trainees and 35% discount is offered to the authors from developing countries.


PDF gaily proofs are sent by email. These should be checked immediately and corrections, as well as answers to any queries, should be returned to the publishers as an annotated PDF via email within 5 working days (further details are supplied with the proof). It is the author's responsibility to check proofs thoroughly. If the authors don't approve the proof within 5 working days, the journal reserves the right to publish them as it is. 

Please note that EJMCR is an online journal and printed copies are not available but author reprints are available upon payment.

Manuscript withdrawal:

Manuscripts can not be withdrawn once submitted.