Corrections, Retractions & Expressions of Concern

This policy is applicable to all journals published by Discover STM Publishing Ltd.

If an error is indicated in a published article the publisher will try to correct the error as soon as possible. 

Corrections and Retractions

In the event of any identified errors in published articles, they will be promptly corrected online through the issuance of an erratum or republishing the corrected article. If a more serious issue arises, such as the need for a retraction, authors should notify the relevant journal editor. The editor will conduct an investigation to determine the appropriate course of action, adhering to established COPE guidelines.

Allegations of Research Misconduct

Any allegations of research misconduct should be directed to the relevant journal editor. The editor will undertake a thorough investigation and take appropriate action, guided by COPE's recommended procedures.

Misconduct by Staff or Editors

Allegations of misconduct involving staff or editors should be reported directly to the publisher. The publisher will conduct a comprehensive inquiry and implement necessary measures in accordance with established publishing standards.
This policy aims to uphold the integrity and quality of our publications, ensuring that any errors or misconduct are addressed with transparency and accountability.